University External Examiners for OFSE

  1. Prof. Dr. habil. Peter Scharff , Rector, Technische Universtitaet Ilmenau
  2. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Heinrich Kern, Technische Universtitaet Ilmenau
  3. Prof. Dr. habil. Herfried Schneider, Technische Universtitaet Ilmenau
  4. Prof. Dr. Stefan Landwehr, University of Applied Scineces Ertfurt
  5. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Hamacher, Universtitaet Bremen
  6. Dr. Ing Ilham A. Habibie, MBA., President Director, PT Ilthabi Rekatama
  7. Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Peter Al. Pscheid, Founder, Co-Chairman, IULI Foundation
  8. Mr. Andreas Kleine, Deputy Head of Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Jakarta
  9. Mr. Noke Kiroyan, Chairman and Chief Consultant, PT Komunikasi Kinerja
  10. Mr. Damien Chapelier, Managing Director, PT. Buhler Indonesia
  11. Mr. Reinhard Ehrenberger, President Director, Menarini Indria Laboratories
  12. Mr. Djap Tet Fa, Chief Executive Officer, ASTRA Infra
  13. Mr. Samuel Siahaan, Executive Director, Eurocham
  14. Mr. Daniel Loh, President Director, PT BASF Indonesia
  15. Mr. Jochen Sautter, President Director, PT PRIME Consultancy
  16. Mr. King Hartono, PT. Robert Bosch
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