Positioning Strategy Game: Round 3-6

As the semester approaches its end, Dr. Sam’s students continue with their positioning strategy game. They have played rounds 3-6 and were lucky to have advice from one of their seniors, Malinda from IBA 3. She reviewed rounds 1-3 with the students, giving tips and tricks from her experience.

At the end of round 6, which was played on Wednesday, Nov 15, the highest accumulated profits was $12,581 with 1,243 pcs of product 1 sold, 1,125 pcs of product 2 sold, and 375 pcs of product 3 sold. The lowest was $2,150 with 252 pcs of product 1 sold, 368 pcs of product 2 sold, and 126 pcs of product 3 sold.

One of the exciting things about such a competition, as in business life, is that things can change in an instant. As an encouragement, students were asked to analyze their strategies so far, using a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) model.

Next Wednesday, the students will play rounds 7-10 and the ‘winners’ will emerge. Every team is hoping for one big, profitable contract to boost their profits!! (MiE/SaP)

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