Faculty of Business & Social Sciences

Visi (Vision):

Menjadi pusat penyelenggara pendidikan berkualitas, berwawasan internasional dan beretika dalam bidang keilmuan bisnis dan sosial ditingkat regional pada tahun 2025

To become the quality-oriented educational institution with an international scope and ethics in the fields of business and social sciences in the regional level by the year 2025

Study Programs Abbrv. S1*
1. International Management IMT Y
2. Hotel and Tourism Management HTM Y
3. International Business Administration IBA Y
4. International Relations INR Y

All Bachelor-degree programs are accredited as per SK DIKTI No. 425/E/O/2014

* IULI strives for the quality of education with the mandatory practical training/internship placements with organizations world-wide. Following the internship placement period, it is mandatory for all students of the Faculty of Business & Social Sciences to submit an internship report with the prescribed guidelines

Any queries on potential recruitment as the faculty lecturers, please forward the scanned-copies of the following documents to HRD;

  1. Indonesian ID (KTP)
  2. Degree certificates from the undergraduate level to the most advanced degree you have obtained
  3. Transcripts from the undergraduate level to the most advanced degree you have obtained
  4. Decree of equivalency from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia (for any academic degree obtained from overseas institutions)
  5. Evidence of English proficiency (for any candidates whose academic degrees are from an English-speaking countries)
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