22 January 2018 – As a member in good standing of the nationwide “Forum Komunikasi Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional se-Indonesia” (All Indonesia Dialogue Forum for International Relations Students – FKMHII), IULI’s International Relations Student Association (HIMAHI) has been regularly involved in FKMHII businesses. On 20 January 2018 HIMAHI had the opportunity to host Regional Coordination Meeting—one of the Forum’s beginning-of-the-year events.
Among the issues on the table: introduction of newly-appointed members of the National Presidium, interassociational program sharing, and a year-long work plan [including the prestigious “Pertemuan Nasional Mahasiswa Hubungan Internasional se-Indonesia XXX” (Thirtieth National Meeting of Indonesian International Relations Students – PNMHII)].
The Saturday meeting was attended by 55 International Relations students representing 19 associations. As host, HIMAHI did its best in planning and executing the event. Judging from received feedback the effort did not go unnoticed; some of the guests decided to stay longer and continued the amiable discussions. This 100% student-managed event is one of the primary avenues of networking for International Relations students. The INR Department and HIMAHI thank the University for acknowledging the value of this event and the support it provided. (SaK/MiE)