Successful Schools’ IULI First English Competition

English Competition Situation at Campus 1

IULI, 30 November 2016. Last week we had our first English Competition in the Breeze involving 70 high school students from different schools in Jabodetabek area. This competition had several categories: Spelling Bee, Creative Writing, Speech, Story Telling, Battle of the Brains and Short Film.

The competition started at 8.00am with Spelling Bee and Creative Writing followed by Speech and Story Telling and ended with Short Film and Battle of the Brains. This competition was notable for the enthusiasm of the participants. Most categories in this competition were full so the committee, unfortunately, had to refuse some applicants because we did not have any space for them.

The organizing committee worked extremely hard before and during this event and the hard-work paid off with 120 plus entries apart from those that were refused! The committee had a lot of organizational challenges and, at 12:15 had to guide more than 100 people to the main IULI site in GOP 6 for the winners announcement during the Open House.

Hopefully, this event will become annual event with the same level of enthusiasm from students and the same level of commitment and professionalism from IULI students. We also hope this annual event will spread the good name of IULI.


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