By Anastasia Rachel (Chemical Engineering 2018/Member of Media Club)
Internal Cup 9 started on the 3rd of March. There are 5 competitions: Basketball, Futsal, Badminton, Capsa, and E-Sport. These matches are open for all majors in IULI (Engineering, Life Science, and Business and Social Science). The opening of Internal Cup 9 was attended by a few students, BEM, and also Mr. Wahjoe Goeritno, our Lecturer, and Mrs. Samantha Born, our student’s affairs officer.
Unfortunately, the Internal Cup 9 has to be postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19. All matches that involve physical activities must be postponed until further notice. E-Sport matches are still ongoing because this competition can be played at home.
Our division had an opportunity to interview Mrs. Samantha Born and Mr. Wahjoe Goeritno regarding their opinion about the current Internal Cup. She said that maybe the committee of Internal Cup can add more competitions such as swimming, archery, or track and field in the future. Regarding the decision to postpone the Internal Cup, she thinks it is the best decision because all students need to stay at home and be safe.
In our interview with Mr. Wahjoe, he said that the students must be encouraged to join the competition. He thought more students should have participated in the opening of the Internal Cup. He also added that maybe in the future, the Internal Cup will hold more traditional competitions that can be followed by men and women. He suggests that during this situation (stay at home), students can continue the E-Sport game at home so that there is still communication with other students.
Hopefully we can continue this competition as soon as possible. We hope that all IULI students still do their best by staying at home and staying healthy.