14 May 2017 – Members of the International Relations (INR) Department at IULI had their inaugural plenum (lokakarya) on 12–14 May 2017 at the IULI Guest House in Ciater, Serpong. The purpose of this event was to create an official forum for all members of INR civitas to have all-encompassing discussions related to matters that concern the whole department.
The items on the agenda included departmental accreditation, ideas for promotional activities, plans for welcoming the new INR student body, student and lecturer aspirations for the ideal collegial relationships, and annual programs for the INR Student Association (HIMAHI). Final drafting and adoption of statuta for the association also took place during the event.
IULI Rector, Dr. Tutuko Prajogo, was present to officiate at the event as well as delivering opening remarks, during which he shared his vision of the ideal Iuliant. The speech received the full attention of and a warm welcome from the participants. Some ice breakers and team building activities were also organized to strengthen the esprit de corps of the INR family.
The plenum was the result of forward planning and careful organization by a lecturer-student team. It was made possible due to full support of the university and the generous permission from the co-chairman of the IULI Board, Prof. Dr. Peter Pscheid, to use the guest house for the first time for departmental purposes. (SaK/MiE)