International University Liaison Indonesia and Technische Universitaet Ilmenau Launch New International Joint Degree Program


Tangerang, 23 February 2019- International University Liaison Indonesia (IULI) and Technische Universitaet Ilmenau (TU Ilmenau) announced a new international joint degree program at IULI Eco-Campus BSD City at the Open House event.

In this unique opportunity, both rectors, Dr. Tutuko Prajogo from IULI and Univ.-Prof.Dr.rer.nat. Dr.h.c. mult. Peter Scharff from TU Ilmenau explained the advantages for the international career of IULI’s students.

The four-year, full-time program, which will confer both a National Degree and an International Bachelor Degree will be effective for the next batch that will be going to Germany this year. The program is designed to train future leaders of technology ventures and to gain international experience in Science, Language and Culture.

When students decide to take the International Joint Degree program, studies are completed at two Universities in two Countries. Students will study in IULI for three years and will conduct research and do an internship in Germany in the fourth year. Furthermore, the International Joint Degree opens up the way to Postgraduate Studies under similar Conditions as for German Graduates.

The Open House event ended with presentations and showcases of each study program.










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